Professor from the Federal University of Amazonas gives a lecture at the PPGCTA.

On November 19, 2019, Professor Ariane Mendonça Kluczkovski from the Federal University of Amazonas (UFAM), gave a lecture entitled "Population Exposure to Toxic Agents in Amazonian Food", held in the Post-Graduate Program in Food Science and Technology (PPGCTA / ITEC / UFPA), coordinated by professor Alessandra Santos Lopes.

Professors and students of the Program give lectures and mini-courses at the I Food Technology Day and I UEPA Food Products Fair.

PPGCTA professors and students gave lectures and mini-courses at the 1st Food Technology Day and 1st UEPA Food Products Fair, held at the Center for Natural Sciences and Technology (CCNT) of the State University of Pará, held in the period of 24 on September 27, 2019. Renan Campos Chisté gave the opening lecture of the event with the theme "Antioxidant Potential Of Amazonian Fruits"; The prof. Alessandra Santos Lopes gave the lecture "Biotechnology of Fermented Foods in the Amazon"; Doctoral student Elivaldo Nunes Modesto Junior gave the lecture "Spectrophotometry in the Determination of Bioactive Compounds" and doctoral student Adriano Lucena de Araújo gave the lecture "The Importance of Sorption Isotherms in the Food Industry". The graduates of the Master Wagner Barreto da Silva and Priscila Santos da Conceição Oliveira gave the lectures "Production of Artisanal Cheese from Marajó" and "Influence of BP in milking for dairy products", respectively. The Mini courses were also taught by students graduating from the program: Consulting for Food Services, taught by MSc. Daniela Pinheiro Gaspar and Sustainable Use of Natural Pigments Extracted from Amazonian Fruits taught by Msc. Sérgio Henrique Brabo de Sousa.

II Cycle of Lectures of the PPGCTA - 2019

On the 17th and 18th of June, 2019 the II Cycle of Lectures of the PPGCTA was held in the auditorium of the PPGCTA, coordinated by Professor Renan Campos Chisté - A cycle of lectures that covered several topics in Food Technology and Engineering. In the second cycle, the lectures were given: Sensory Analysis (Ana Laura Caldas da Costa); Food sorption isotherms (Adriano Lucena de Araújo); Atomization of Food (Alana Caroline Garcia da Silva); Useful Microorganisms in the Food Industry (Letícia Ribeiro Carvalho Silva); Quality Control in the Food Industry (Sabrina Baleixo da Silva); Influence of Animal Management on Meat and Milk Quality (Celina Eugenio Bahule); Embedded Products Technology (Vinicius Sidonio Vale Moraes); Minimally Processed Foods (Fernanda Rafaele Santos Sousa); Beer Production Technology (Lucas Cantão Freitas); Onboard Fish Processing (Núbya Maria Santiago Xavier Moraes); Functional Foods (Emilly Marry dos Santos Martins); Dyes in the Food Industry (Laiane Cristina Freire Miranda); Enzymes in the Food Industry (Adilson Ferreira Santos Filho); Biodegradable Films and Packaging (Lorena Limão Vieira); Supercritical Technology in Industry 4.0 (Ana Paula de Souza e Silva); Liquor Technology (Estela Sousa da Cruz); Red Wine Production (Renato Meireles dos Santos) and Chocolate Production (Ana Julia Mota de Lima).

Lectures - 2018

- The Food Science and Technology Graduate Program held the Lecture: "High pressure for food conservation: operating principles, current commercial applications and future potential", on December 5, 2018, in the PPGCTA / PGITEC / UFPA classroom, taught by the renowned Professor JORGE MANUEL ALEXANDRE SARAIVA (University of Aveiro / Portugal). The professor has extensive publications in high impact journals related to the use of the High Hydrostatic Pressure system in food preservation. The coming of prof. Saraiva was carried out through the project in partnership with Professor Lúcia de Fátima Henriques Lourenço through the Interinstitutional Cooperation Support Program - PACI International Cooperation Subprogram (PROINTER).

- On June 19, 2018, the program held the 1st cycle of Lectures of the PPGCTA, in the auditorium of the PPGCTA, coordinated by Professor Renan Campos Chisté - A cycle of lectures that covered several topics in Food Technology and Engineering. In the 1st cycle, the lectures were given: "Food Technology", given by doctoral student Fabielly Negrão; "Food Microbiology", taught by doctoral student Victor Hugo Nascimento; "Food Drying", taught by the master's students Rafaella Colaço and Larissia Araújo; "Supercritical Fluid Technology", taught by master student Priscila Bezerra and doctoral student Marielba Salazar; "Sustainability in the Food Industry", taught by Master's students Marilia Leal and Lucely Santos.

Lectures - 2017 

The Food Science and Technology Graduate Program held a lecture: "FISH PRODUCTION AND THE USE OF BY-PRODUCTS FOR OBTAINING COLLAGEN AND GELATIN", on August 22, 2017, in the classroom of PPGCTA / PGITEC / UFPA, taught by Professor ALEXANDRE DA TRINDADE ALFARO (UTFPR), coordinated by Professor Lúcia de Fátima Henriques Lourenço.

On September 19, 2017, Professor  MARLENY DORIS ARANDA SALDANA (University of Alberta) gave a lecture entitled "Valorization of Agri / Food By-Products by Pressurized Fluid Processing", held at Food Science and Technology Graduate Program (PPGCTA / ITEC / UFPA) , coordinated by Professor Luiza Helena Meller da Silva.


Funded by the National Program for Academic Cooperation (Procad) and in partnership with the Federal University of Viçosa (UFV), the Program held a workshop in the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism (FAU / UFPA), coordinated by Professor Antonio Manoel da Cruz Rodrigues. At the event, lectures were given: "Technologies for the Production of Concentrated and Dehydrated Dairy", by Professor Ítalo Tuler Perrone; "Potential of Sorghum in Human Food", by Professor Frederico Augusto Ribeiro de Barros; "Production of Proteins", by Professor Eduardo Basílio de Oliveira; "Alternatives for Maintenance of Quality / Safety in the Productive Chain of Meats", by Professor Regina Célia Santos Mendonça and "Queijo Minas Artesanal-Past, Present and Prospecção Futura" by Professor Célia Lucia de Luces Fortes Ferreira. In addition to the lectures, there was the mini course "Determination of Resistant Starch in Cereals", conducted by Professor Frederico Augusto Ribeiro de Barros.

Lectures - 2016

The Food Science and Technology Graduate Program, in partnership with the Faculty of Food Engineering of UFPA, held the Lecture Series on Food Safety, on August 24, 2016, in the classroom of PPGCTA / PGITEC / UFPA, coordinated by Professor Luiza Helena Meller da Silva. In the event, lectures were given: "Research, industry and food security", taught by Professor Mgs. Ruth Martínez Espinosa (ECUADOR); "SAN and research developed in the area at UNESP", by Professor Maria Rita Oliveira (UNESP); "Research developed in the area of Food Security at INPA", by the researcher Dionísia Nagahama (INPA) and "Research developed with fruits of the cerrado", conducted by Professor Derlange Belizário Diniz (UECE).