PPGCTA Regiment

Resolution nº 3.870, of July 1, 2009. General Regiment – Stricto Sensu Graduate Course, UFPA

Resolution No. 02, of March 1, 2019. Criteria for the release of the defense of the Doctoral Dissertation of the PPGCTA (updated)

Resolution nº 03, of April 9, 2019. Criteria for accreditation and re-accreditation of PPGCTA professors.

Resolution No. 04, of 06 June 2019. Criteria for approval in subjects offered by the PPGCTA.

Resolution nº 01, of May 23, 2018. Criteria for accreditation and re-accreditation of professors of the PPGCTA.

Resolution nº 02, of August 21, 2018. Definition of deadlines for the mandatory activities of follow-up Master and Doctorate.

Regulation of the Social Demand Program - DS

CAPES Concept and Recognition Document

Joint Ordinance CAPES and CNPq

Normative No. 01/2016: Norms for the Presentation of Theses - Doctorate

Normative No. 02/2016: Examination of Proficiency in Foreign Language

Normative No. 04/2016: Rules for dissertation presentation - Doctorate

Normative No. 03/2016: Grades in the modules of the disciplines

Normative No. 04/2016: Norms for the Presentation of Theses - Doctorate (updated)

Normative No. 05/2017: Rules for admission to Doctorate Degree